Types of Texts
Translation of Scientific Texts
Translation uses clear, normative and precise language, sentences conforming to the rules of the Hebrew language, and the format in compliance with standard quoting and bibliography guidelines.
Translation of Periodicals
Translation uses clear, normative and precise language, sentences conforming to the rules of the Hebrew language, and the format in compliance with standard quoting and bibliography guidelines.
Translation of Articles
Translation uses clear, normative and precise language, sentences conforming to the rules of the Hebrew language, and the format in compliance with standard quoting and bibliography guidelines.
Translation of Literary Texts
Clear and flowing sentences will impress the reader and make him want to continue reading the book and to recommend it to his friends.
More than just words, the translation of literary texts must maintain the spirit, the rhythm and the music of the text and the ideas it conveys.
- The translation must be true to the spirit of the creation.
- A verbal translation does not necessarily convey the meaning of the text, and in Hebrew may sound foreign and unnatural.
- The translator must select the word from among synonyms to best maintain the spirit of the story.
- The translator must ensure that phrases, puns, slang and, other author tools of the trade, will transfer well to the new language.
- The translation must maintain the author's style, and the register of the language must work for each of the characters.
- The translation will include a varied vocabulary.
Translation of Reference Books and Biographies
Translation uses clear, normative and precise language, sentences conforming to the rules of the Hebrew language, and the format in compliance with standard quoting and bibliography guidelines.
Translation of Children's Books
Children's books include rhymes, rhythm and music that add to the story's charm, humor and fun. When translating children's books these must be adhered to, in order to ensure that the resulting text will maintain the character of the original story, even if the words are not identical.
After translation, the text will be understandable to children and challenging through use of the specific phrases and vocabulary of the language they understand. Nonetheless, a wide vocabulary should not be avoided, so that the child improves his language skills. The temptation to take liberties with the rules of grammar in order to maintain the rhythm and rhymes must be resisted.
Translation of Web Sites
Concise, clear and to-the-point writing will keep the web surfer's attention, have him return and expand the potential reader base. After translation, the text will be easily readable, short and businesslike. Proper use of keywords throughout the text will promote the site in search engines, while ensuring the words are used properly and in the right proportion to maintain quality.
Translation of Business, Marketing and Technical Texts
Translation of marketing or technical text must be precise and true to its source, while still sounding natural in the new language.
Translated marketing text must be adapted to the target population in Israel.
After translation the language of the text must be clear, correct and to the point, using correct professional terminology throughout.
Translation of Brochures, Posters and Signs
Many will see your publication. It is important that the message be conveyed with no mistakes. After translation, the text will be short, clear and on-target, with no contradictions or ambiguities, and of course written in correct Hebrew.